The best of pickleball.

PickleWave is the premier site for professional pickleball match vods, highlights and discussion.

Welcome to PickleWave, your destination for all things professional pickleball. Our passion for the sport has driven us to create the premier platform dedicated to professional pickleball matches. We're on a mission to make it effortless for everyone to find and enjoy every exhilarating moments of the sport we love.

At PickleWave, we're committed to delivering the latest tournament results, along with video links to every match. Whether you're a 2.0 or 5.0 player or just enjoy watching the sport, we aim to be your go-to source for all things pro pickleball.

Professional Players

Our goals

Streamlined Match Discovery.
View professional pickleball matches from all around the world.
Real-Time Scores.
Keep up to date with real-time pickleball scores in our mobile app (Coming Soon).
Comprehensive Player and Team Profiles.
Keep track of your favorite teams and players.
Medal Tracking and Leaderboards.
View results and winners from the latest tournaments.
Interactive Community Features.
Create your own team and schedule matches or practices (Coming Soon).
User-Friendly Interface.
PickleWave works on mobile devices and desktop.

Our team

  • Andrew M.

    Co-Founder / CTO / Pickleball Player

    Los Angeles, CA

  • Matthew M.

    Co-Founder / Pickleball Player

    Los Angeles, CA

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